Can you imagine opening up a gift from someone you love on Christmas only to find that he or she had bought you a gift certificate to Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood of Indiana has thought of this “ingenious” project as a way to…well…I guess show your loved ones that you think they’re promiscuous. “Hey Sis, I think you need to be tested for STDs!” hmmm…
Tell PP They’re Wrong Again
Life Site News is asking pro-lifers to express their disproval by writing to PP of Indiana. Their address is 200 South Meridan Street, Post Office Box 397; Indianapolis, Indiana, 46206. Call them at 317-637-4343.
Pro-Family Billboards In Georgia
If you’re on the road in Georgia, you might spot this billboard: “Get Married, Stay Married.” It pictures a happy family (mom, dad, and one child) and at the bottom are the words “Children do better when parents stay together” or “For Children’s Sake.”
The billboard campaign is sponsored by Georgia’s Supreme Court Justice, Leah Ward Sears, who says “marriage ‘is the best’ crime prevention and anti-poverty program, but ‘we are growing up in a culture where there is no shame or expectation or understanding’ of problems of marriage, divorce and fathers who abandon their offspring.”
When asked if she thought it was possible to change something that seems to be so much a part of our culture, she pointed out that in the 50’s and 60’s “nearly everybody smoked cigarettes, and no on thought that would change, but it has. We can change the problems hurting our children.” I think that’s a great message for all children-those born and unborn-we can and will fix the things that are hurting them. We will not give up.
Obama Should Be The One To Compromise
Richard Doerflinger, Associate director of Pro-Life Activities for the USCCB, has an OpEd in USA Today continuing the discussion about what kinds of compromises we should work to achieve. Whereas others have called on pro-lifers to bend over backwards to appease the pro-aborts, Doerflinger says compromise should involve Obama doing three things, 1. “retain[ing] modest pro-life policies such as funding bans,” 2. “endors[ing] legislation such as the Pregnant Women Support Act…providing life-affirming support for women with unplanned pregnancies;” and 3. “abandon[ing] the radical Freedom of Choice Act, which would require all government programs for pregnant women to support abortion.”
I think it’s good that someone is finally calling on Obama to compromise his extremist beliefs, rather than asking pro-lifers to give in and say “well, yes, abortion is murder, but I guess we’ll just have to learn to live with it.”
Abortionist Pleads Guilty
Bertha Bugarin, abortionist and owner of 11 abortion clinics, has pleaded guilty to performing illegal abortions. Although it’s a disappointment that there will be no trial-and thus no opportunity to air Bugarin’s dirty laundry-we’re glad to know she will be off the streets for up to ten years and that her 11 clinics are closed.
But Troy Newman of Operation Rescue reminded us, “Let’s not make the mistake of thinking that Bugarin’s crimes are an anomaly. … She was just unfortunate enough to get caught. In reality, illegal practices take place every day at our nation’s abortion mills. We haven’t met an abortionist yet that did not think he or she was above the law. In this case, we are grateful for the prosecution of Bugarin, but saddened that it took so many years – and so many broken lives – to bring her to justice.” Our Meet the Abortion Providers conferences certainly showed the sad truth of that statement.