The Scheidlers are back, safe and sound, from their trip to Ireland. You can read Eric’s full write up about the rally on our homepage.
Northern Ireland Doesn’t Want Abortion
Joe and Eric spoke at a rally organized by Bernie Smyth of Precious Life, protesting the efforts to bring abortion into Northern Ireland. Because Northern Ireland has its own criminal justice laws, abortion is still illegal there, despite 1967 law which legalized abortion in the rest of the UK. But the pro-aborts don’t want to keep it that way.
Parliament will be voting on Wednesday to decide whether Northern Ireland will cease to be pro-life. Please, please pray for wisdom of the legislators. The people of Northern Ireland do not want abortion.
Obama Votes Against Protecting “Temporarily Alive” Infants
The controversy around Senator Obama’s votes against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act still hasn’t died down-and I hope that it never does! Terrence Jeffrey, editor at large of Human Events, wrote in the October 13th issue that, according to the official transcript, Obama was the only member of the Illinois Senate Judiciary Committee to speak against the bill. Obama noted that a key concern of people was that, “the fetus or child-as some might describe it, is still temporarily alive outside the womb.” As Jeffrey notes, “temporarily alive” is an “odd redundancy”-“is there another type of human?” He continues,
But to these specific temporarily-alive-outside-the-womb-human beings-to these children who had survived a botched abortion, whose hearts were beating, whose muscles were moving, whose lungs were heaving-to these specific children of God, Obama was not willing to concede any constitutional rights at all.
And yet there are groups out there that call Obama pro-life. The group Matthew 25, for instance, proclaims on their homepage “We [Catholics, Protestants, Pentecostals, and Evangelicals] come together as individuals to support candidates for public office who share the values of the Matthew 25 Network: promoting life with dignity, caring for the least of these, … and promoting the common good. … We proudly endorse Senator Barack Obama for President.” Since when does killing tiny babies “promot[e] life with dignity” or “car[e] for the least of these”?!
Three quick stories in the “Way to Go Column”
- David Bereit of 40 Days for Life reports close 300 babies saved in the last 28 days! Keep up the good work! We still need help on Thursday-please sign up!
- Maryland Pro-lifers will be suing the police and county in Maryland where they were arrested during the Truth Tour last summer. The city has agreed to suspend enforcement of its blatantly unconstitutional sign ordinance while the lawsuit is being heard.
- If you live anywhere near Chantilly, Virginia, there’s a new pro-life pharmacy opening in your area this week. Divine Mercy Care Pharmacy will have “no birth-control pills, condoms, cigarettes or pornographic magazines.” NARAL of Virginia has urged a boycott of the store. I encourage those of you in the area to launch a counter-boycott and show them that pro-lifers want pro-life businesses. Make this the most successful pharmacy in the state!
Dan Sagel Returns to God
On a sad note, the father of Carol Walsh, president of Lake County Right to Life and devoted volunteer at Aid for Women in Waukegan, has passed away. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Dan Sagel and for the comforting of the family he left behind.