
Media Ignore Violence against Pro-Lifers

What a relief it is that the Pro-Life Action League is not a political organization and that we are not permitted to make political endorsements, because the calls are coming in asking who to vote in the presidential primary elections come February 2.

Election 2008: Currently Undecided

While we have studied each candidate as carefully as we can, and continue to read everything we can get hold of, we remain undecided. Of course, the three top Democrat contenders are each anathema. Any one of them — Obama, Hillary or Edwards — would be disastrous for the country.

Four to eight years with any one of them would be a living Hell from every angle, and would leave the country in a shambles. A Democrat is out of the question and all Democrats should write in their favorite uncle. Any one of the Republican candidates would be at least a thousand times better than any of the Democrats. Make that a million times better. But which Republican?

I fear to point out the positive features of any one of them, or the negatives each carries, because in dealing with political favorites your candidate can do no evil and his opponents can do no good.

I would get hate calls from my best friends. And this is probably the way it should be or you wouldn’t be supporting your candidate. So at this point we love them all but see flaws in each and hope we can get a clearer image before we punch the cardboard or pull the lever or whatever way they’re having us register our vote this time around.

At this stage our prayer is still, “Come Holy Spirit…”

But we’re open to your suggestions and arguments for your choice.

Violence against Pro-Lifers Goes Unreported in Secular Media

An excellent article by Lynn Vincent in the January 26 issue of World Magazine makes it pretty clear that violence against pro-life activists goes generally unreported by the mainstream, that is secular, media, while the slightest insult against the pro-aborts is headline news.

She uses two examples to prove her point and we can think of dozens more. Ed Snell in Harrisburg PA — whom we’ve mentioned on Action News before — will recover, but just barely.

He’s the 69 year old gentleman who was counseling women from a platform on his car when a pro-abort knocked him off the platform, onto his head and back causing a bleeding brain injury and four crushed vertebrae.

Not a word in any major newspaper, though one small daily, the Harrisburg Patriot mentioned the event, and no TV at all.

“Snell’s injuries were life threatening,” Vincent points out.

Just four months earlier at an abortion mill in Orlando, FL, Patte Smith was counseling a woman when a man she had spoken to earlier ran out of the abortion clinic, attacked her, knocked her down and kicked her in the ribs, then ran back into the clinic.

It turned out that he was a doctor of holistic medicine. Battery charges have been filed against him. But not a word in the secular press.

Snell, meanwhile, is recovering at home with a brace to support his fractured spine. Doctors have stopped the bleeding into his brain, and one of these days he will be back in front of the clinic counseling women from his platform, which he has to stand on because of a seven-foot fence around the clinic.

But Lynn’s point is well taken. The secular media have still not discovered us. In their book, pro-lifers are non-being.

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