Today is a day for FASTING. Today, I join with hundreds, if not thousands of people in a day of fasting to keep PP from opening in our community. Please join me, and all the others who will be fasting for this cause. Our 40 Day Prayer Vigil is not just about prayer, which is great, but also about fasting. Bishop Peter Sartain, the Catholic bishop of the Diocese of Joliet, called for this day of fasting. Here is an excerpt from his letter:
“Please join me on Friday, September 7 in a day of prayer and penance for the promotion of a Culture of Life and an end to abortion. Pray in the manner of your choosing – perhaps attend Mass that day, pray the rosary or other favorite prayers, for the intention of an increased respect for the sacredness of life. Choose a simple penance in keeping with your health and daily duties – abstain from meat or sweets that day, or refrain from television or other entertainment. Such simple efforts on our part can be a powerful witness to our neighbors and a sign to our Heavenly Father that we love the life – the lives – he has given us.
May we never tire of proclaiming the dignity and worth of every human life. May we never tire of serving the vulnerable and their caregivers with generous hearts. And may we never cease to pray for the day when all people, and all societies, will defend the life of every human from conception to natural death.”
The full text of Bishop Sartain Letter is here for you. Thank you for all that you are doing for the cause of LIFE.