
Aurora Planned Parenthood’s Opening Delayed

On August 9, the Pro-Life Action League began a round-the-clock 40-Day Prayer Vigil outside the site of Planned Parenthood’s brand new “Abortion Fortress” in Aurora, IL. Since that time, thousands of pro-lifers have come to the site to beseech God to prevent the facility from opening September 18 as scheduled.

God has answered our prayers.

Aurora officials previously announced that they would not allow the abortion clinic to open until they concluded an investigation into allegations that Planned Parenthood deceived city officials during its application process. Planned Parenthood sued the City of Aurora on September 13 to allow the facility to open September 18 as scheduled.

U. S. District Judge Charles Norgle has decided that a full hearing on the matter is required. That hearing will be held Thursday, September 20, and may determine whether Planned Parenthood’s opening can be delayed until the city’s investigation is concluded.

After learning that the Planned Parenthood facility would not open on schedule, League Communications Director and Aurora resident Eric Scheidler called upon pro-lifers to come to the Planned Parenthood site a few hours later for a special prayer vigil thanking God for answering their prayers. This impromptu vigil drew the attention of several local media outlets. A few hours later, a Men’s Prayer Vigil was held from midnight until 8:00am on the morning of September 18, when the 40 Day Vigil had been scheduled to conclude.

However, after consulting with the Vigil Captains, Scheidler has decided to continue the Vigil at least through this week. The future of the Aurora “Abortion Fortress” is uncertain, but we realize that we must continue to pray. Prayer is the foundation of all that we do, and it must continue for the time being.

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