
Mom leaves Planned Parenthood, chooses LIFE

Clinic witness Joe B. shares this story of a woman who turned away from abortion at Planned Parenthood and chose life for her baby. Thanks to Joe and all those who brave the cold to pray and counsel.

Baby handI thought I would pass this great success story from the prayer vigil on Saturday December 8. Between noon and 1:00 p.m. Ginny N., Alfredo P. and I were standing across from the entrance to Planned Parenthood. Two women between ages 20 and 25 came out of the clinic and got into a Burgundy four door sedan (maybe a Pontiac or Buick). As they made a right out of the PP parking lot we extended our hand that was holding literature. The woman driving slowed and lowered her window. We handed the driver the literature and stated we were here to help and that the pamphlet had resources to help them. As I was looking into the vehicle talking to the driver, the other woman, who was in the passenger seat leaned over to her left and with her right hand touched womb and said “My baby is still here.” We blessed her and told her to call any one of the numbers in the pamphlet. As she drove away, we three then prayed for her so she gets the necessary support and care. We shared this story with the prayer warriors who came after and it was truly uplifting to us all.

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