
League Leads the Fight against Planned Parenthood’s New Abortuary

A brand spankin’ new 7.5 million dollar abortion mill has been built during the past eight months in Aurora, IL and is scheduled to begin killing babies in Illinois and neighboring states on September 18.

League Leads Fight Against New Abortuary

A story on the new abortuary by Bonnie Rubin and Jim Kimberly made Page 1 in Friday’s Chicago Tribune. Here is the gist of it:

Under the headline, “Abortion clinic built under wraps,” the story says:

Neighbors who drive by the bustling construction site in Aurora think they are seeing the completion of the ‘Gemini Health Center,’ just as the sign says. So do the painters, carpenters, electricians and other tradesmen who have been working on the project for the last eight months.

But in a few weeks the sign will be changed to reflect the true owners of the building: Planned Parenthood. At 22,000 square feet, this is among its larger facilities in the nation, providing a wide range of women’s health services—including abortions.”

The story explains how “intense” is the need for a Planned Parenthood mill in the four county area. But why the sneaky way it was done after 34 years of legal abortion? They were scared silly that pro-life workers might stop the construction.

Steve Trombley, Planned Parenthood spokesman, even referred to the Austin, TX case where workers stopped building when they learned they were constructing a death camp. Trombley didn’t want that to happen in Aurora so let workers remain in the dark until it was too late.

It was in fact a worker who realized what was going on and conferred with his pastor about it, and word got out that this is a murder factory.

Trombley says he’s surprised they got away with their deception so long. “We didn’t want anything to interfere with the opening.”

The new mill is at 240 N. Oakhurst Drive next to a Dominick’s and two blocks from a public high school, a trick Planned Parenthood always plays, getting close to the high school students.

The mill already has 24 staff ready to begin their lethal work September 18, and the building is zoned for a medical office building.

The Tribune story says Planned Parenthood may have won the battle of keeping the clinic secret, but the war is far from over, “anti-abortion forces vow.” The League has already held a strategy session and will hold a mass open-meeting in Aurora on August 16, and a massive protest on August 22.

Also on the drawing board is a proposal to hold a 40 day vigil outside the mill, leafleting the neighborhoods, picketing homes of doctors and staff, and placing anti-abortion billboards in the area.

We have found that pickets of staff members, counselors, nurses, guards and others employed by the abortion clinic are effective. As a rule these employees do not want it known that they are involved in the unsavory practice of abortion, and a public demonstration at their homes can have the effect of getting them to resign or, better still, decide against even seeking employment at an abortion facility in the first place.

Much of this will be discussed at the meeting August 16 at the Prisco Community Center in Aurora. Stay tuned.

Note These Pro-Life Dates

Upcoming dates to remember:

  • Monday, July 30 at 5 p.m., your Editor on Relevant Radio with Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life;
  • Tuesday, August 7 at 4 p.m., protest outside Soldier Field for Democrat Presidential Debate; Saturday, August 11, picket Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, noon to 2 p.m.;
  • Thursday, August 16, at 7 p.m., Meeting at Prisco Community Center in Aurora, featuring Jim Sedlak of STOPP Planned Parenthood;
  • Wednesday, August 22, massive Face the Truth Tour in front of the new Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill at 240 N. Oakhurst, Aurora, 9-10:30 a.m.;
  • Friday and Saturday, September 21 and 22, the PLAN convention at the Crown Plaza Hotel at O’Hare Airport. Hope to see you at all of these.
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