It seems we’re not the only ones suing and Planned Parenthood/Chicago Area and PP/CA CEO Steve Tombley. One of our researchers recently uncovered two lawsuits that reveal some internal strife at PP/CA. In one suit, Dr. Murray Pelta, O.B. Gyn, medical director at PP/CA for ten years, is suing Planned Parenthood and its CEO Steve Trombley for firing him in violation of his employment agreement. In his Verified Complaint [PDF], Pelta states that he did favors for Trombley, like writing “discreet” medial prescriptions for Trombley’s personal use, without recording or reporting them. Last December Pelta performed an abortion on a former board member and current employee of Planned Parenthood, keeping it confidential at her request. He did not charge her or record the procedure. Trombley found out and reprimanded Pelta. A few weeks later, he fired the doctor. We also discovered a lawsuit [PDF] brought by a PP/CA nursed who was fired by PP/CA Associate Medical director Darryn Dunbar. The nurse accuses Dunbar of anti-Semitism and of trying to increase his power and status at PPCA eliminating persons connected to Dr. Pelta. Among her complaints, the nurse charges that PP failed to ensure the presence of an anesthesiologist, licensed physician or registered nurse in or around the recovery room when sedation patients are present, and that unlicensed employees were performing ultrasounds. Sounds like things are pretty ugly on the inside at Planned Parenthood/Chicago Area. No surprise: once you’re killing unborn babies, why stop at lying on building permits, firing employees unlawfully or libeling your opponents?