
Doing the Lord’s Work

**UPDATE: 4/24/08, 4:35pm: We’ve just found out that Lawrence Okorie is not who he claims to be. This document from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati verifies that he has been impersonating a priest: “It has been confirmed that Okorie is not a priest and he had previously been removed from a local seminary.” Check out this beautiful article about a young priest from Cameroon named Father Lawrence Okorie. Two years ago, Father Okorie founded Hope for Girls Ministries, a community that cares for nearly 100 pregnant teens, teenage mothers and their children, and orphans. Father Okorie is currently visiting the United States to raise desperately needed funds to keep this new ministry going. Last Friday, I had the privilege of meeting him, as he attended the talk I gave to junior high students at St. Joseph’s Church in Joliet, IL. What an honor for me! After meeting him, I complimented him on his Cubs jacket — the same one he was wearing in the picture above. He said it was the first thing he was given when he arrived in Chicago. (It’s especially fitting, I think, to be a Cubs fan during Lent, as it allows you to experience additional suffering.) And speaking of Lent… As it draws to a close, we should remind ourselves that the three things that we should be making a a special effort to do are praying, fasting, and almsgiving. With this in mind, consider making a donation to Father Okorie’s very worthwhile ministry. Information on where to send your donation is listed at the end of the article.

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