There’s a beautiful article in today’s Chicago Tribune about Linda Sanchez, a Texas mom who has breast cancer and was treated with chemotherapy while pregnant. Her daughter, Isabella Marie, was born three days ago, weighing 5 pounds, 2 ounces. From the article:
Isabella became the 70th baby born under a University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center program that once was controversial, but which last year formed the basis of the first national guidelines for the treatment of pregnant women with breast cancer. Until this program, women with cancer who learned they were pregnant were told to abort [emphasis added].
“Told to abort”? “Told to abort”? So much for “choice”…
That’s what Sanchez, 27, was told last spring after she learned in a span of a few days that she was pregnant and that she had breast cancer.
Good thing for Linda and Isabella that Mom got a second opinion. Our prayers are with them. Read the whole thing.