To: National Desk
Contact: John Jansen of Generations for Life, 773-304-5433, [email protected]
Chicago, June 7—The Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health (ICAH), one of the state’s leading advocates of “comprehensive” sex education, will host an adults-only fundraising event tonight in Chicago that promises a “Neo-Burlesque Performance” by former Miss Exotic World Michelle L’amour, a stripper whose website disclaims that it “is not intended for viewers under the age of 18 and should not be viewed by such”.
“Isn’t it ironic that ICAH is holding an adults-only fundraiser featuring a stripper who has an adults-only website,” commented John Jansen, co-director of Generations for Life, a Chicago-based youth outreach, “yet at the same time they expect parents to trust them to know the best way to teach their children about sex.”
Along with Planned Parenthood/Chicago Area, ICAH is part of the Illinois Campaign for Responsible Sex Education, a coalition whose goal is to strip all funding of abstinence education for Illinois schools and instead require them to use condom-based sex education programs.
Last year’s annual ICAH fundraising event was held at the Headquarters of Playboy Enterprises in downtown Chicago and featured a VIP reception with CEO Christie Hefner, daughter of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner.
“Christie Hefner decided several years ago that Playboy could make more money by producing increasingly harder core pornography—something that even her father was reluctant to do for a long time,” commented Jansen. “Now, with this year’s event featuring stripper Michelle L’amour, ICAH has shown it’s still as brazen as ever.”
“Considering the character of ICAH’s fundraising events these past two years, doesn’t this tell us everything we need to know about the values being pushed on our kids by the advocates of so-called comprehensive sex education?”
Generations for Life is the youth outreach of the Pro-Life Action League, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-life activism organization, based in Chicago, IL. More information is available at