
Column on Abortion/Breast Cancer Link Draws Reactions

Try to attend the massive rally at the Aurora Planned Parenthood at 3051 New York Street from 9 to 11:30 a.m. this Saturday in Aurora. I have to miss the event to speak to students at DePaul University in Chicago and then to People Concerned for the Unborn Child in Pittsburgh, but my prayers are with all the good pro-lifers who attend the rally in Aurora. As Eric says, our plan is to shut them down.

Byrne’s Column on Abortion/Breast Cancer Link Draws Reactions

It is interesting to note from the letters to the editor in the Chicago Tribune, how many who saw Dennis Byrne’s column pointing out the link between abortion and breast cancer, have seen this as an accusation: If you have breast cancer, it means you had an abortion.

We hope most people saw his revelation as an observation and not an accusation.

The fact has been kept secret for so long that women don’t seem to know how to take it. We applaud Irene Rallis’ letter from Arlington Heights: “Thank you for breaking the media silence. Kudos to the Tribune for letting someone speak on the abortion-breast cancer link.” Yes, thank you indeed!

“Big Fuss Over a Little Bit of Quiet”

A Chicago Tribune story Friday by Tara Malone takes a look at “a big fuss over a little bit of quiet,” the few seconds of quiet required under the new “Silent Reflection and Student Prayer Act” that was enacted earlier this month by the Illinois General Assembly.

Rob Sherman, local atheist, naturally thinks it’s unconstitutional and wants an injunction against it and eventually a statewide reversal of the law. Hey, Rob, they may be praying for YOU!

Students have walked out on the ten seconds of prayer, and teachers don’t know exactly what a “moment” is. The law isn’t even binding. Yet some students are skipping the class that starts with the “moment” of silence. Debates are being held in schools on the topic. Some parents are up in arms and calling principals and legislators. There are intense online discussions on the topic.

Facebook drew more than a thousand comments, and websites tell how to contact Springfield to register concerns. The ruling, meanwhile, doesn’t even say students have to pray, but just conduct a moment of silence. And through it all I recall how strange it seemed to me after attending eight years of Catholic School, when I attended my first class in a public school and we launched right into the lesson without standing by our desk to pray.

You would be surprised at the number of calls we get from across the country asking for our prayers. We realize that we are no better at praying than anyone else, but nevertheless we get calls because people know the confidence we have to have in prayer because of the powerful enemies we have to overcome in trying to defeat the monstrous evil of abortion.

We are happy to put these requests in our prayer box next to our altar and include all these intentions in our morning prayers, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We consider it a great privilege to receive these prayer requests and sincerely hope our prayers are answered on behalf of these good people.

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