Our picket of the Democrat Debate at Soldier Field Tuesday afternoon was a howling success, once the police got us settled far enough away from the entrance so that most of the AFL-CIO folks couldn’t see us.
Picket a Success Despite Hassle from Police
The Chicago cops seemed to be terrified that someone might learn what an ugly thing abortion is and what an aborted baby actually looks like. They just kept moving us farther and farther away from the stadium entrance until we were way across the street from Soldier Field and east of the entrance to the Field Museum. But our line of pictures took up a whole block east of the Museum entrance, as fifty stalwarts stood for almost three hours in the blazing August sun.
Despite the police efforts to hide us, we were seen by thousands going into the stadium, by drivers on Lake Shore Drive, people in hundreds of cabs and buses and by Fox News who interviewed three sets of our pro-lifers, and showed the line of picture-holders. They still did not show the pictures of dead babies. The media have a special knack of avoiding the showing of the pictures. How long, Lord?
Mike Busse, Kathy Mieding and Nancy Weber, as well as Nancy’s two little boys, were interviewed for the Fox News story, and all of them did themselves proud as they explained what the protest was about. While we received the usual smarmy, insulting and stupid remarks from some pro-aborts, our reception was surprisingly positive and we thanked many passers-by for their support.
Our presence there was important to the whole event, and we thank all those who came out and risked sunstroke and arrest to confront the gaggle of pro-abortion candidates. At least we didn’t have to hear the debate.
Big Plans to Stop New Aurora Abortion Mill
Things are heating up in Aurora IL as plans, meetings, schedules are all being attended to in an all-out pro-life effort to keep the behemoth new Planned Parenthood abortion mill from opening up September 18.
A 40-Day Prayer Vigil begins Thursday, August 9 in front of the mill at 240 N. Oakhurst, that’s Eola and New York Avenue. We will have an around-the-clock presence at the mill for forty days.
There will be a town hall meeting next Thursday, August 16, at the Prisco Community Center in Aurora at 7:00 PM, with Planned Parenthood expert Jim Sedlak of STOPP Planned Parenthood as guest speaker.
And there will be a massive demonstration in front of the mill on Saturday, August 25, starting at 9:00 AM. This August 25 event will replace the previously planned August 22 Truth Tour. For information on all these events, visit Families Against Planned Parenthood.
In Other News
We will protest late term abortions at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital this Saturday, August 11, from Noon to 2:00 PM at 1775 Dempster St. in Park Ridge. See you there.
Speaking of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, they are holding their biennial national assembly here in Chicago this week, and some eighty gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Lutheran ministers are demanding that church leaders drop a chastity requirement, so they can remain active ministers while living in the state of mortal sin.
At present the rule is that active sexuality for unmarried clergy is contrary to church rules, but pressure is mounting to force the change. What ever happened to the sobering lesson of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Anna Quindlen has her goofy column on punishing women who have abortions in Wednesday’s Chicago Tribune. This gal doesn’t give up. She seems to think this piece of journalese is a clever challenge to pro-lifers. What it proves is how dumb the pro-aborts really are. They don’t know history and they certainly don’t know anything about pro-lifers. Pray for them.