
Thousands of Poles Rally for Tougher Abortion Law

Palm Sunday, Spy Wednesday, Tenebrae, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. It has come round again, Holy Week and the Lamentations, the Last Supper, the Way of the Cross, and the Veneration of the Cross, The Passion and Death of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His glorious Resurrection from the Dead.

These are days of somber thoughts, profound truths, and holy hope. We pray at the League for all our brothers and sisters in the Pro-Life movement, for fellow Christians everywhere, for the conversion of non-believers and for the return of all of those who have fallen by the wayside, to come back to the Truth and be comforted.

Poles March for Life

There is action in Poland as four thousand Poles took to Warsaw’s streets Wednesday to demand a complete ban on abortion with no exceptions. Two marches merged in front of Parliament where lawmakers were debating Poland’s anti-abortion law which is already the most restrictive in Europe.

The present law allows abortion up to 12 weeks if the mother’s life is in danger, the baby is irreparably damaged or the pregnancy results from rape or incest. But Polish President Lech Kaczynski has offered a proposal to prohibit abortion completely. However, while a two-thirds majority is needed in the lower house to change the Constitution, the largest party, the Civic Platform party, is opposed to the change, creating a major problem for passage of the pro-life proposal for stricter laws.

The pro-life march was organized by the Roman Catholic radio and a conservative political party. Elsewhere in Poland, 700 young people rallied at the same time against the proposal, and for abortion.

Radical Feminists Endorse Clinton

Well, it’s official: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D, NY) is a feminist. She just received the endorsement of the National Organization for Women as she launches a nationwide outreach to women voters. She called the endorsement “really, an emotional moment for me.”

NOW president Kim Gandy said NOW will help elect feminists to the US House and the Senate to work with President Clinton to help undo the damage that has been done by the Republicans. Also supporting Hillary and sending fundraisers for her are Billie Jean King and Geraldine Ferraro, both abortion supporters going way back into the past. Billy Jean once had an elective abortion, it is reported, so that she could play a tennis match later on, and Geraldine, a Roman Catholic, endorsed abortion for the sake of a Vice Presidential bid, she thought.

We actually had to pay a fine for a picket we joined in Queens the day she made her announcement. And Phil Donahue chided us on his show for picking on a “girl.” I reminded him that this “girl” would be just one heartbeat away from the presidency if the Democrats won. They didn’t.

Come to Golgotha Good Friday

Join us in prayers and the Stations of the Cross Friday, April 6, in front of Albany Medical-Surgical Center abortion mill at 5086 North Elston Ave., that’s Elston and Cicero Ave., at 5:00 p.m.

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