
NJ Abortuary CLOSED

A very happy and joyful St. Patrick’s Day to everyone, but especially to those with a drop or two or Irish blood and those who wish they were Irish.

Support for Euteneuer

If you’re still following the Hannity v. Euteneuer debate, Father Tom’s more than 2,500 responses are running 9 to 1 in his favor—that he was right in saying he would deny the Holy Eucharist to Sean Hannity because of his public stand in favor of contraception.


Hannity said Father is using the media to expound his position on contraception, yet it was Hannity who invited Father onto his show and brought up the question of Holy Communion. Hannity is suffering some kind of guilt trip it appears, as well he should be.

We are joining Father Tom in a nine-day prayer that Sean and other Catholics who support artificial birth control will join the Church in her age-old teaching that all forms of contraception are morally wrong.

You might also include in your prayer a request that Sean has the good sense to listen to the set of tapes we sent him from our “Contraception is Not the Answer” conference of last September. He could learn a lot from a good listen.

So could you. If you don’t have a set yourself, get one.

Filthy New Jersey Abortuary CLOSED

Some people think the only reason pro-lifers are outside abortion clinics is to save babies. Little do they know that we also want to save the women from the psychological and moral aftermath of abortion, as well as the physical damage she will suffer if she goes through with it. These places are dangerous to your health.

Here is a description from Dr. Jack Willke of the abortuary closed February 2 in New Jersey: After a two-day investigation of one of the state’s largest and busiest abortion mills, the Metropolitan Medical Associates Englewood mill, which did 10,000 abortions a year including 1,500 partial birth abortions, the mill was shut down. The health department said it posed an immediate and serious risk of harm to its patients, one of whom had just been treated at Newark’s Beth Israel Medical Center for complications following an abortion at the Englewood mill.

Health officials said they found forceps encrusted with brownish blood residue, rusty crochet hooks, a quarter-inch of dark red dirt and debris under a table, opened sterilized packets on the floor with forceps, speculum and gauze kits, surgical instruments in a drawer with light bulbs, large dark orangish-yellow stain areas, and syringe caps under operating tables.

From this front alley abortion mill of dirt and debris come women with uterine punctures, heavy bleeding, strokes, and collapsed lungs, and needing hysterectomies, blood transfusions, hospitalization. And these conditions and their results are not unusual.

Fortunately, this New Jersey center is closed. Most aren’t. When will they ever learn?

Fr Frank on Ending Abortion

Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life has just written a great little book, “Ending Abortion” and is hoping to send a copy to every one of the 45,000 Catholic Priests in America, At a cost of $3.98 a copy that comes to more than $179,000 so he needs some help. If you’d like to get in on this ambitious program check out priestsforlife.org or drop him a line—and a check—at Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314.

League’s Jansen To Speak in Joliet

And do yourself a favor and attend a power point presentation by Generation for Life‘s John Jansen on Friday, March 30 on “Defending Human Life Principles in Modern Society.” The talk will be from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in St. Joseph Church at 416 N. Chicago St., in Joliet IL.

While John’s talk is directed primarily to students it will be a powerful aid to anyone wishing to take the pro-life message out to the public, using the teachings and principles of the Catholic Church. For information call Judy at 815-722-1005.

Theology of the Body Talk

And on Saturday, March 31 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Fr. Thomas Loya will present a “Theology of the Body Teacher Training” course at St. Alphonsus Church, 1429 West Wellington in Chicago. Cost is $8.00, which includes materials and lunch.

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