
League Issues “Marching Orders” at March for Life

Marching Orders Crew

Some of the League crew at the Supreme Court (from left): Joe Gushi, Luke and Dave Skrzypczynski and Eric Scheidler

The annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. every January is one of the highlights of the year for a pro-life activist. The experience of demonstrating against abortion with so many hundreds of thousands on the National Mall is truly inspiring. Just think of what we could accomplish with that kind of pro-life presence in the public square throughout the year!

To help bring about that kind of consistent commitment to the pro-life movement, the Pro-Life Action League distributed “Marching Orders” to the pro-life masses at the 34th annual March for Life on January 22. Our attractive oversize postcard [PDF] invites pro-lifers to take action to fight abortion throughout the year.

How To Fight Abortion Year Round

The front of the card declares, “God bless you! Today you marched for life,” and then asks, “But what about tomorrow?” The back of the card appeals to pro-lifers to “Keep fighting for life tomorrow—and throughout the year” and offers four things people can do to stop abortion: (1) Spend one hour each month in prayer at an abortion clinic. (2) Lead a public protest against abortion in your home town. (3) Pass out pro-life leaflets in your neighborhood. (4) Start a pro-life club at your school or church. These suggestions are followed by a brief introduction to the Pro-Life Action League and how we can help.

Marching Orders (front)

“Marching Orders” front

Marching Orders (back)

“Marching Orders” back

20,000 Marching Orders Distributed

Reaction to the Marching Orders was very positive, especially among teens. They were excited to hear we can give them everything they need to start a club.

We were assisted in our effort to recruit more pro-life activists by two dozen volunteers from Chicago and elsewhere—including my daughter Liza, who joined the March for Life for the first time this year. Together we passed out 20,000 Marching Orders cards, an exhausting but gratifying afternoon’s work.

We Need More Activists

The day after the March, I was interviewed by Bob Crittenden, host of The Meeting House on the Faith Radio network. I told his listeners about the Marching Orders project and the need for pro-lifers to put their convictions into action. “If we can mobilize even a tiny fraction of all those pro-life marchers,” I remarked, “thousands of unborn babies can be saved.”

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