Abortion advocates now control the House of Representatives, and probably the Senate too. South Dakota’s abortion ban has been repealed. Missouri’s Amendment 2, which makes human cloning a constitutional right, passed. And California’s Proposition 85, which would have required parental consent before a minor girl could have an abortion, failed. (A similar measure in Oregon failed as well.) There are three reasons why the South Dakota, California, and Oregon measures lost, and why the Amendment 2 in Missouri won:
- Money
- Money
- Money
Pro-lifers were vastly outspent in the run-up to Election Day — especially in Missouri. And in a public relations battle, the side with more money usually wins. That’s why I’m not entirely surprised to see the results we’re seeing today. So, what do we do now? We get active. And if we’re already active, we get more active. Truly, there is no better time than now to get involved in grassroots pro-life activism. For our part, we will redouble our efforts to train and equip sidewalk counselors to stand outside of abortion clinics and offer women real help, to conduct our own Face the Truth tours and assist pro-lifers across the country to do the same, and to help students start pro-life clubs within their schools** — just to name a few. Now is not the time to hang our heads or wring our hands. Now is the time to get active. **UPDATE, 11/8, 9:38am: Within minutes of when our office opened this morning, as I was writing this post, we received a phone call from a public high school teacher interested in helping his students start a pro-life club at his school. He ordered our Pro-Life Club Curriculum. It’s rather significant, I think, that this teacher was from Missouri.