
Pro-Life Activists Applaud Bishops’ Statement against Contraception

To: National Desk, Religion Desk
Contact: Joe Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League, 773-777-2900, cell 312-965-1030

Chicago, Nov. 16—The Pro-Life Action League applauds the American Catholic bishops for reiterating the Catholic Church’s constant teaching on the sinfulness of contraception in the document “Married Love and the Gift of Life,” released by the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops this week at their annual fall meeting.

“The bishops said what pro-life activists have been saying for years: The ‘contraceptive mentality’ is impoverished, even sad,” commented Joseph M. Scheidler, National Director of the Pro-Life Action League. “The bishops didn’t mince words. They said, quite clearly, that ‘contraception is objectively immoral.'”

“The bishops also recognized that flooding our society with contraceptives has encouraged the kind of irresponsible sexual behavior and anti-child mentality that directly leads to abortion,” Scheidler said.

“At our groundbreaking ‘Contraception Is Not the Answer’ conference held this September in Chicago, I explained why it is necessary to address the root issue of contraception if we are to have any hope of stopping abortion.”

Scheidler continued: “The bishops noted that the Church’s teaching against contraception is one that many couples today have not heard, or have not heard in a way they could appreciate and understand. There is a need to offer couples persuasive, logical arguments against contraception. That’s what the eight presenters did at ‘Contraception Is Not the Answer’. They explained in plain language the impact of contraception on our society—its effects on women, on men, on marriage, and on the culture.”

“Anyone who wants to understand the devastating effects of contraception should hear the evidence presented at the Pro-Life Action League’s ‘Contraception Is Not The Answer’ conference,” Scheidler said.

The Pro-Life Action League is the only national pro-life organization confronting the “contraceptive mentality” head-on. For more information, visit: www.prolifeaction.org.

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