On Tuesday, August 22 the Pro-Life Action League will launch a series of three dynamic teleseminars, featuring speakers from the League’s upcoming “Contraception Is Not the Answer” conference, Sept. 22-23. The first teleseminar, to begin at 8 p.m. Central Time, will feature the League’s Joe and Eric Scheidler, speaking with Sacred Heart Seminary Professor Janet Smith and Human Life International Director Fr. Tom Euteneuer. Topics will include the profound impact that contraception has on relationships and the spiritual effects of contraception. Only a limited number of tele-slots are available, so to access the phone-in number and special passcode, register now:
Future teleseminars will be held August 31 and September 5. All calls begin at 8 p.m. Central (9 p.m. Eastern, 6 p.m. Pacific) and will last one hour. Register now to gain access to these great teleseminars, as well as the archived recordings.