
League Welcomes Confirmation of Justice Sam Alito

Justice Samuel Alito

The Pro-Life Action League welcomes the confirmation of Judge Samuel A. Alito as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Alito was confirmed Tuesday, January 31 by a vote of 58-42.

Pro-abortion senators overwhelmingly voted against confirmation, fearing that Alito would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. Clearly, Justice Alito will be more favorable to pro-life concerns than his predecessor, the now retired Sandra Day O’Connor.

“Justice Alito is a a brilliant jurist who will help to stem the tide of judicial activism that has done great damage to our country,” commented League National Director Joe Scheidler. “His judicial credentials suggest that he will decide cases according to what the Constitution actually says, rather than his own personal views, whatever they may be. This can only help when it comes to pro-life cases.”

The addition of Justice Alito to the Supreme Court is timely, considering that on the same day he was sworn in, two federal appeals courts issued rulings declaring that the federal ban on partial birth abortions was unconstitutional. Many legal observers suspect that these rulings by the 2nd and 9th Circuits will set up a Supreme Court battle over partial-birth abortion later this year.

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