Despite all current war on Christmas, over-commercialization of the feast, disagreements that always arise around this major holiday, what it comes down to is that a baby was born two thousand years ago to be mankind’s Savior, and in one way or another the world is so captivated by that birth that it can’t leave it alone.
Mankind’s Only Hope
For some, this birth is the central event in history. For others its just another day. But the reality is that this birth is mankind’s only hope.
Those who don’t know this will discover it later. Everyone from Adam on will come to realize that this birthday really determines each person’s eternity: those who celebrate it, those who ignore it, those who hate it, those who ridicule it—everybody.
The coming of this Child is what it’s all about. How we accept—or reject—Him is all that matters.
There’s really nothing else. Being close to Christ, being His follower and spreading His message is our life’s work. Everything else is filling time.
Spending eternity with Him is man’s Ultimate Good—the complete fulfillment of one’s life. Not spending eternity with Him is utter defeat. Those who don’t know this have missed the plot. We know our readers know the plot, so have a peaceful, holy and happy Christmas.
Empty Manger Caroling Day
If you call Action News before Saturday, December 24, be sure to join us for our annual Empty Manger Christmas Caroling at the abortuaries on Saturday, December 23, starting at nine a.m.
First stop is Planned Parenthood at 1200 North La Salle, followed at the top of the hour at Family Planning, 659 W. Washington, American Women’s at 2744 N. Western and Albany at 5086 N. Elston. Or come for hot chocolate and cookies to our house at one.
Tiller the Killer in Court
Good News out of Wichita, KS. Poor old Dr. George Tiller has to appear in Sedgwick County District Court on Wednesday, December 27, to answer as many as thirty misdemeanor charges filed against him. Tiller could face up to six months in jail.
Troy Newman of Operation Rescue says he has been working toward this day for four years, gathering the evidence that Tiller has injured women, and killed late-term babies for years. We join Troy in hoping Tiller will be put out of his grizzly business, but have seen Tiller dodge the law for years, we aren’t going to start the celebration until we hear the jail door slam shut.
Thanks, Cardinal George
Hats off to Francis Cardinal George who has sent a strong letter to the priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago to mark the 34th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions. He is asking for them to offer a special Mass and homily with special prayers for the unborn and even a Holy Hour for Life.
He is also asking that each parish have a Respect Life Coordinator if they don’t already have one, and announces a 12-week program, “A Time to Heal,” to be offered in a number of parishes to be announced. Thanks, Cardinal George. .
Have a very merry Christmas.