The Land Down Under has just sunk a little lower, with passage of a bill to support cloning of human beings for purposes of experimentation. Trampling over the moral issues and the belief that human beings should not be used as guinea pigs for medical experiments, Australian pragmatists decided that being out in front in the race for medical triumphs was more important than adhering to the basic principles of justice.
Farther Down Under
The vote to produce human clones for experiments passed 82-62. They salve their consciences by calling it “therapeutic” cloning. It’s more properly called barbaric and cannibalistic. These Australian liberals try to pass the buck by pointing out that Great Britain legalized cloning human embryos for stem cell research in 2001, as if that makes the Aussies less guilty by waiting five years to commit the same crime.
Duncan Kerr, a lawmaker who supports human cloning, assured his colleagues in Parliament that most Americans support research using human clones. It’s interesting how other countries follow our lead into scientific insanity. Think what might happen if we decided to do something moral!
Congress Fails To Pass Fetal Pain Bill
But we’re so nasty we won’t even pass a law that might diminish the horrendous pain babies feel in the process of being torn limb from limb while they’re being aborted. Pro-Life Congressmen against abortion failed Wednesday in an effort to simply notify women aborting their children that it hurts their baby.
While the vote in the House was 250-162 for the bill, they needed two-thirds under House rules that limit debate. Abortion supporters applauded the bill’s failure. Say a prayer for these trolls.
Peddling the Pill
A new birth control pill, we hear, tastes like Spearmint gum and you can chew it just like chewing gum before you swallow it and kill your baby. In other words, have a good chew before you break the fifth, sixth and ninth commandments and make a joke out of the Divine plan. What next, kool-aid flavored arsenic for quick suicide? Or has that been done?
And speaking of birth control abortifacients, Plan B, the so-called “emergency contraceptive,” is being handed out free by Planned Parenthood to get it on the market as quickly as possible, right over the counter, on St. Nicholas day. The good bishop gave a poor man money so his daughters wouldn’t become prostitutes. Planned Parenthood has a different ideas.
Hope in the Midst of Madness
The Canadian House of Commons, refused by a vote of 175-123, to reconsider their disgusting law that sanctions same-sex marriage. The law stands. For the past ten years yours truly has been barred from entering LaLa Land to the north, because the NOW gals up there who don’t like me, and it seems Canada takes its orders from bossy women . All I can say is “Thanks, ladies.”
Word out of New York is that even some Conservative Jews have decided to ordain gay and lesbian rabbis, breaking thousands of years of precedent. It appears much of the world is spinning out of control.
Despite it all, there is still hope, as we celebrate the glorious feast of the Immaculate Conception and honor Mary, Our Life, Our Sweetness and our hope.