
Protestants Forget Their Heritage on Contraception

It’s just one month until the historic conference in Chicago on the link between contraception and abortion entitled, “Contraception is not the Answer,” at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare, 5440 River road.

Your Chance To Hear the Truth about Contraception

For too many years the pro-life movement has tried to teach the pro-life message of the value of every human life, the sacredness of marriage, the plan of God in our lives, while trying to ignore the very root of the rotten thinking that spawned abortion—the contraceptive mentality. The conference next month will expose the lie that contraception can lessen abortion, and that contraception is somehow a solution to society’s problems.

Leslee Unruh will expose the harm done by pro-contraception sex ed, and Allan Carlson will speak on the Protestant embrace of contraception. Janet Smith will show how contraception corrupts and alters human relationships. Fr. Thomas Euteneuer exposes its dire consequences on one’s faith, and its negative effect on society.

Damon Clarke Owens, founder of Joy-Filled Marriage, speaks on the effect of contraception on marriage, while Rutgers University’s Lionel Tiger says contraception negatively alters the status and identity of men.

Andrew Pollard of Northampton, England whom we discovered last spring in Dublin, will point to the profound demographic impact of contraception on the United States from a special study he has made just for this conference. And Jennifer Roback Morse asks if contraception really liberates women when she discusses the cultural contradictions of contraception.

You will not find an opportunity to attend a similar conference for years to come, if ever. This is an historic first in this country. We often ask audiences when they last heard a good sermon on the sin of contraception. The answer is invariably, “Never.” What a shame. But here’s your chance now, to make up the difference.

The Protestant Embrace of Contraception

Christine Gardner writes in the Wall Street Journal that the FDA’s approval of the morning after pill, Plan B, stirs up the whole question of contraception again, and when that subject is broached the polls show the shocking fact that even evangelicals overwhelmingly support birth control (88% in a 2005 Harris poll ).

While Catholics still have a ban on use of contraception since the Church teaches that the unitive and procreative aspects of marriage are inseparable, Catholics’ use of artificial birth control is estimated to be about the same as non-Catholics. But Church’s condemnation of artificial birth control stands firm: it is serious sin.

Gardener points out that Protestant support for contraception has a short history, starting in 1930 with the Lambeth Conference of Anglican Bishops, who allowed contraceptives within marriage for grave reasons, but condemned birth control from selfishness and convenience. Until 1930 all main line Protestant churches considered contraception sinful.

Today only a minority of Protestants stand by their original beliefs and adopt the Catholic doctrine. It’s a very curious article for the Wall Street Journal.

The Abortion That Wasn’t

Another surprise story appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times Sunday Controversy section by Julia Gorin called “The Abortion That Wasn’t.” She chides Ms. Magazine for its petition drive to have women confess in public, “I have had an abortion.” “So much for privacy,” she remarks, and says if so many MS readers hadn’t had abortions there would be more MS readers.

Then she suggests a petition that she and the rest of us can sign, “I wasn’t aborted.” She says she narrowly escaped being aborted and would be first in the line to sign that petition.

Gorin’s article is gripping, full of personal encounters, turn-arounds and even has a story about a canceled abortion that came back to be the salvation of the woman who canceled it—her own mother. It taught them both a lesson about the value of life.

This was also originally in the Wall Street Journal. What’s going on out there?

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