Happy Lincoln’s 197th Birthday. We received two books on Lincoln at Christmas, “Lincoln’s Melancholy” and “Lincoln’s Cabinet.” With the cabinet Lincoln had there’s no wonder he was melancholy. I can hardly wait to get to them. I just finished reading Col. Charles Lindberg’s “Spirit of St. Louis,” which was gripping. We’ve come a long way from his 33-hour solo flight from New York to Paris.
Coalition Pushes Evil Sex Ed
If you are interested in some evidence of just how low our society has sunk, log onto the Illinois Campaign for Responsible Sex Education website and get a bellyful of horror stories. We hate to give out their website, but it’s important that everyone who still believes there is hope for a restoration of morality and decency, take a good look at what the enemy is up to.
It seems the sex-crazed crowd is going to be in Springfield February 28 to encourage our state legislators to vote for legislation to support what they call “responsible sex ed,” which means encouraging our daughters and sons to be harlots and predators.
These self-styled sex educators have almost nothing good to say about abstinence programs and actually say they encourage promiscuity, lead to diseases and just don’t work. But their sex education program does work, they claim, and to encourage the layman to support their disgusting program they list the organizations and agencies that have signed on, such The AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Better Existence with HIV, Females United for Action (FUFA), Girls’ Best Friend Foundation, Global Girl’s Inc., Hope Clinic for Women, Illinois National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood, Lambda Legal Defense Fund, Lesbian Community Cancer Project, McHenry County Citizens for Choice, Northwestern Medical Students for Choice, Personal PAC, Protestants for the Common Good, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Roger Baldwin Foundation of the ACLU, Sex Education Advocates of the University of Chicago, the YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago, and other sinister covens.
Human Dignity Under Fire
If you read their requirements for a sex education curriculum, it is clear that they demand moral turpitude, absence of self-respect, no thought of an immortal soul or an after-life, absolutely no spiritual reality. In short, you must think of all young people as rutting hogs with no aspirations beyond being a rutting hog.
The lowest common denominator is the mean. In short, our sons and daughters to these educators are essentially human scum, moral reprobates, spineless libertines and godless wonders. Sorry, but that’s the core message. Their highest purpose in life is to be in the state of mortal sin.
There is no hint of leading a purposeful life of faithfulness, kindness, chastity, self respect or respect for the value of the others. This is how they see the world—a slithering, seething lake of putrefaction.
And they are trying to sell their program to Illinois’ gullible legislators who will most likely buy the whole disgusting program. They’ll be tricked by such phrases as “Be proud to be responsible” and “Make proud choices!” That will impress them. And as they trot out their disgusting program they feel compelled to mock and ridicule a true program that respects young people’s integrity by recommending abstinence, programs such as Sex Respect and Project Reality.
They say these programs lead to disease and unplanned pregnancies because they don’t teach condom use. The deny the well proven truths that the more sexual promiscuity there is, the more disease there is, the more unplanned pregnancies there are, and the more unhappy youth there are. The program they are trying to sell our legislators is the gasoline needed to put out the fire raging in our hedonistic society. Pour on more gasoline and soon there won’t be anything left to quench. When will they learn?
They’re meeting in Springfield on Tuesday, February 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Howlett building Auditorium, Second and Edwards Streets.