
Pro-Life Group To Picket American Girl Place in Chicago

To: National Desk
Contact: Ann Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League, 773-777-2900, 312-965-1030 cell, ann@prolifeaction.org

Chicago, Nov. 23—The Pro-Life Action League will lead a picket by parents and their daughters at American Girl Place in Chicago on Friday, November 25, from 10:00 a.m. to noon, in protest of American Girl’s ties to the pro-abortion advocacy group, Girls Incorporated.

“The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year,” said League Executive Director Ann Scheidler. “Our picket will reach thousands of shoppers on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile with the unfortunate news that American Girl is funding Girls Inc., a group that strongly advocates abortion.”

The demonstration will include many pro-life girls disappointed that American Girl doesn’t care about the 1,800 baby girls aborted each day in this country. They will picket American Girl Place holding “Girls for Life” signs—along with their Samantha, Kit, Molly and other American Girl dolls, each holding her own miniature picket sign.

In August, American Girl launched the “I Can” bracelet program, pledging to support Girls Inc. with 70¢ for every $1 bracelet sold, plus a $50,000 donation. Girls Inc. supports abortion and lesbianism, and opposes abstinence-only sex education programs—positions at odds with the values of many American Girl customers.

In October, the Pro-Life Action League alerted parents about the “I Can” project and urged them to contact American Girl to express their objections. When American Girl refused to break its ties with Girls Inc. by November 1, the League called for a boycott through the Christmas shopping season.

For more information on American Girl’s ties to Girls Inc. and the boycott, visit www.prolifeaction.org.

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