Update 11/22 On Friday, Nov. 25, the day after Thanksgiving and the legandary busiest shopping day of the year, the Pro-Life Action League will picket and leaflet at American Girl Place in downtown Chicago (map), along with pro-life girls and moms from throughout Chicagoland. (See related press release.)
Update 11/18 The Pro-Life Action League has learned that American Girl’s “I Can” bracelets are no longer being sold at Bath and Body Works stores.
Update 11/10: The League has received over 500 boycott pledges since announcing the boycott of American Girl ten days ago. The boycott has also been joined by many pro-life groups, including Priests for Life, Operation Rescue, Stand True Ministries, Aid for Women and Illinois Right to Life.
Update 11/2: American Girl is now re-routing protest calls to their 800 number to a recorded message, with no opportunity to leave your comments. Use their regular number instead: 608-836-4848.
The Pro-Life Action League is calling for a boycott by pro-lifers of American Girl products during this Christmas season, in response to the company’s refusal to sever ties with the pro-abortion group Girls Incorporated.
The League first called attention to American Girl’s support of Girls Inc. through sales of their “I Can” bracelets on Oct. 12. Through dozens of phone calls and e-mails to the company and numerous interviews with the media, League Executive Director Ann Scheidler has appealed to the company to stop funding Girls Inc., an organization whose radical feminist agenda is offensive to many American Girl customers.
Join the Boycott, Starting November 1
“We regret that American Girl has chosen to sully their wholesome image in order to provide financial support for Girls Inc,” Scheidler said. “But since they have chosen to ignore the pleas of pro-life parents and grandparents, we must urge pro-lifers not to purchase American Girl products as of Tuesday, November 1.”
Scheidler remarked that with the Christmas shopping season coming up, pro-life parents have a ideal opportunity to send a message to American Girl—and corporate American in general—that they will not allow their consumer dollars to support an anti-life, anti-family agenda.
Scheidler invited pro-lifers to join the boycott and to sign the League’s Boycott Pledge, and to continue expressing their objections to American Girl president Ellen L. Brothers:
- Ellen L. Brothers, President
American Girl
8400 Fairway Place
Middleton, WI 53562 - Tel: 1-800-845-0005
Fax: 608-828-4790
E-Mail: ellen.brothers@americangirl.com