We’re back from a successful protest in the Big Apple. New York at Christmas time is an exciting city. This past weekend our protest at American Girl Place on Fifth Avenue was in fact a fun-filled day and a half despite the serious nature of the mission.
New York Faithful Picket American Girl
The evening before the protest we went to the Empire State Building, but a 90 minute wait to go to the top was excessive for people in a rush, so we visited Macy’s and ate at the Heartland Brewery. Then we visited Sr. Agnes Mary and the Sisters of Life at the Church of Our Savior, 38th St. and Park Ave., where they presented a sacred concert of Advent music. We then attended Gian Carol Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors at St. Peter’s Church in Chelsea and spent the night in Yonkers.
Saturday at 10 a.m. we were at American Girl Place where we were joined by forty stalwarts under the direction of Chris Slattery, our New York contact. Many of the greats showed up to carry signs and distribute 1,500 pieces of literature.
Six of New York’s Finest were there to protect the crowds—or were they protecting us from the crowds? National Pubic Radio and People magazine sent reporters and there were some free lance journalists getting our story.
New Yorkers were essentially low key and relatively friendly, many taking literature and commenting favorably. Some joined us, and only a few yelled “bigots,” or “Children shouldn’t see these signs,” which read Dads for Life, Moms for Life and Girls for Life. Even the American Girl dolls held by the children said Girls for Life. One sign said Stop Abortion Now. We did not see anyone faint upon seeing these signs, or even when handed a pamphlet with a picture of an American Girl Doll holding a picket sign.
We were edified by the stalwarts who joined us from all over the metropolitan area. We can’t name them all, but were delighted to see old friends like Art and Ann O’Brien from Garden City, Laura Winterroth from Yonkers, Judy D’Agostino, Toni Rachiele, Steve O’Brien, Attorney Bob Dougherty; son of longtime New York activist, Marguerita Daugherty, a number of beautiful children including our grand daughters, Liza and Clare, and one gorgeous little girl who had been saved from abortion and adopted by the woman who saved her.
Following a successful two-hour protest we attended Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, had lunch at Hamburger Heaven, walked to Times Square and took the Lincoln Tunnel back to Newark, and back to Chicago.
We have it on good authority that our boycott and protests are working and there are prospects that American Girl will discontinue its unholy alliance with pro- abortion Girls Inc. More later.
But our hat is off to the great New Yorkers who joined us Saturday. Incidentally Chris Slattery now has fifteen crisis pregnancy centers in the New York area. He was constantly setting up appointments as we traveled around town.
Vigil at Closed Milkwaukee Clinic
On Sunday Ann and I attended a rally and prayer vigil at the recently closed Summit abortion clinic in Milwaukee. Over 100 pro-life activists gathered in front of the shuttered site on Water street for prayers, songs and talks. It was a very touching ceremony with talks by Monica Miller, Linda Schmidt, Fr. Don Hying, Peggy Hamill and your editor.
Follolwing the outdoor vigil we gathered at Market Square to visit, and had dinner at Maders. Milwaukee pro-lifers have closed six of the city’s original eight killing centers. Six down, two to go.
Help Stop Govt. Funding of Abortion Training
Charles ” Curt” Massie of Oswego, IL urges us to write Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert to stop federal funding of students from Olympia College who are being sent for training at an Aurora abortion clinic.
Hastert is pro-life, and needs to include language in HR 609 to prohibit this funding. Contact him at 22 N. River St., Batavia, IL 60510, or e-mail him. Or phone 630-406-1114, or send a fax to 630-406-1808.
Two students are just completing 160 hours training at the Auraora abortion facility and more Olympia College students are scheduled to replace them. Make that call or send that fax or e-mail right now.