
Liberal Senators’ Objections to Roberts Ring Hollow

Don’t forget the League’s 25th Anniversary Banquet this Sunday, Oct. 2, from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Drury Lane in Oakbrook Terrace. Call for information at 773-777-2900 or register online with your credit card. Tickets are still available.

Relevant Radio’s Drew Mariani is main speaker, Jerry Horn will bethe MC, with brief talks by Fr. Frank Pavone and Fr. Paul Marx. The winner of the Trip to Rome-for-Two raffle will be announced.

Dems Can’t Explain Objections to Roberts

Judge John Roberts will be voted on for the position of Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court this Thursday: A Sunday Chicago Tribune editorial says Roberts confirmation is virtually guaranteed, but asks what it would take to please the super liberal Senate.

The editors can understand a knee-jerk partisan like Sen.Dick Durbin who would be pleased by no one but another fire eating liberal who would follow the party line to the letter, or else. But the Tribune is disheartened by Barack Obama who fell in with the Democratic leadership but can’t even justify his position against Roberts.

Obama doesn’t think Roberts share his views on racial issues, but the editors suggest that if Obama wants more liberal justices on the court, he’ll just have to convince voters to put a Democrat in the White House, but the Democrats tortured opposition to judges like Roberts isn’t likely to improve their odds of doing that. On the other hand, they could have extended Roberts just a little of the fairness they’re always bragging about having themselves.

Carol Marin in another editorial on Obama in the Sun-Times says what really maters in court decisions is what is in a judge’s heart. That is what finally decides the case. Since Roberts didn’t let the Senators know what’s in his heart, and just how he’ll probably vote on abortion and affirmative action and other issues Obama is concerned with, then Obama won’t give Roberts his vote—while Senator Patrick Leahy will.

But whether Leahy or Obama vote for or against Roberts, it won’t matter. He’s in.

Sun-Times Knows Better than the Pope

On Sunday the Chicago Sun-Times featured an editorial chastising the Catholic Church for considering a ruling that homosexuals be barred from the priesthood. I thought they always did that. When I was a seminarian anyone found to be gay was asked to leave. Period. When did they change the rules?

But the Holy Sun-Times Office doesn’t think that’s a good idea, what with the priest shortage and all. And knowing better than the Church what rules the Church should make for its future priests, the Sun-Times is outraged. What does the Pope know about the problems the parishes face with homosexual priests running these parishes?

It seems curious to us that the people who never darken the inside of a Catholic Church know just exactly what the rules should be for assuring strong, healthy vibrant church leadership.

It’s consoling to know they have no influence whatsoever. But don’t tell them that. They might stop trying to run the Church—and we would miss their amusing commentaries.

Eye on Activists

Our hat is off to Troy Newman, Mark Gietzen and the Kansas Coalition for Life, for keeping ’round the clock vigils at George Tiller’s late term abortion death mill in Wichita Kansas, where they have put in 10,000 man hours since Mothers day 2004, and have had more than 100 saves.

Also, check out Tom Roeser’s most informative website. It’s good.

Finally, please pray for long-time pro-life activist John Everett of Dallas, TX , founder of the White Rose and the St. Joseph’s Helpers who operate a pregnancy resource center. Recently John was discovered to have cancer of the liver and of the esophagus. His friends request that we pray for a miracle, so that John can continue his pro-life work.

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