
League Celebrates Silver Jubilee Oct. 2

Our staff and volunteers are working overtime on The Pro-Life Action League’s 25th Anniversary Celebration to take place Sunday, October 2 at Drury Lane in Oak Brook, IL from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m.

League Celebrates Jubilee Oct. 2

The Jubilee Banquet will be in the Grand Ballroom at 6:30, with the presentation of the “Tell the Truth” award at 7:30 conferred on Relevant Radio’s talk show host, Drew Mariani, who will be our main speaker. Fr. Frank Pavone, founder of Priests for Life will begin the gala with some words and a prayer and world renown Fr. Paul Marx of the Order of St. Benedict and founder of Human Life International will close with some well-chosen words and the benediction.

During the evening we will draw the name of the winner of the all-expenses paid trip for two to Rome. This is a fundraiser for the League, but we have kept the price very reasonable. At the event there will be other prizes for a raffle including a charcoal drawing of Christ Crucified which I did many years ago.

Please seriously consider coming to this event. We only celebrate our milestones every twenty-five years so you won’t be bothered again until 2030. See the Jubilee section of this site for more information or to register for this once-a-quarter-century fundraising gala.

Planned Parenthood Exploiting Katrina?

Despite the fact that Planned Parenthood Federation of America has half-a-billion dollars in assets and gets millions of taxpayer dollars, it is now pretending to help the displaced people in the Gulf coast cities destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, but the money will go into PP coffers and will not help theses people at all, according to Jim Sedlak of STOPP Planned Parenthood International.

It’s enough to make one’s blood boil. All Title X, Medicaid and other taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood should be discontinued.

States Pass Abortion Restrictions

A report by the Republican National Coalition for Life cites a Washington Post story that says since January dozens of laws ranging from parental consent to a ban on abortion as in South Dakota have been passed by state legislatures. South Dakota passed five anti-abortion laws, one that will outlaw all abortions as soon as the U. S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.

Some of the laws declare the unborn child a victim for a murder charge in all three trimesters. A new informed consent law requires that a woman be told about the relationship between herself and her child and that abortion terminates the life of a whole, separate human being.

In Texas and Arkansas, legislators want to mandate parental consent before a teen to can have an abortion. Georgia and Oklahoma are pushing for informed consent. Maryland, West Virginia, Florida, Oklahoma and Arizona establish a fetus as an independent victim in homicide cases.

The abortion industry is in trouble, since many of these laws will be taken to court and one of them might just be the case that starts the unraveling of Roe. V. Wade.

Abortion Under Fire in Britain

Anti-abortion feeling is prevalent in England now. Brits want to restrict late term abortion, and most Brits want an earlier cut off date for abortions rather than the 24-week limit they now have. They are considering a 20 week limit.

Only 20 percent of Brits believe the 24 week limit should be maintained. Women are found to be more pro-life than men, as is true in the United States.

Protest St. Ignatius for Honoring Madigan

The Women’s Club of St. Ignatius College Prep, a Jesuit operated high school in Chicago, will be hosting pro-abortion States Attorney General Lisa Madigan Thursday evening, September 22.

Plan to join the Pro-Life Action League in protesting this violaltion of the bishops’ rule that pro-abortionists are not supposed to be honored on Catholic premises. We will gather at 5 p.m. in front of the School on Roosevelt Road. Call for information.

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