
Story of the Torres Baby a Sign of Encouragement

Nearly everyone knows by now about the young mother, Susan Torres, who was kept alive for two months so her baby could be born. Susan was 17 weeks pregnant when she was diagnosed with stage four melanoma, with no hope of recovery.

A Victory To Sustain Us

Susan’s husband, Jason, was determined that their baby would be born, so Susan was put life support. Ten weeks later, Susan Anne Catherine Torres was born at 27 weeks. She was 1 pound, 13 ounces and 13 inches long. But a month later she is still alive and vigorous and has a 90 percent chance of surviving.

We know that part of the story, but what few know is that Jason and his father, Sonny, had the same dream the night of Susan’s collapse. When Jason was describing his strange dream to his father, Sonny interrupted him and related his dream the same night. It was identical to Jason’s.

Neither man is given to faith in mystical experiences, but both were affected by this strange experience. The dream was simply that in telling the world about this fight to save a precious life, they would not tell it to change hardened hearts, but simply to give renewed hope to those who already believe that there is more in life than what is simply seen and heard. This new life would give them encouragement.

Whether this is a true mystical experience or not, the message is valid, that those who are trying to save innocent lives are doing it partly for their own increase in faith, and to encourage themselves to keep trying to save lives.

It’s the message God would want togive us, that we don’t have to be always trying to bring others to the truth but should stop once in a while and let the victories sustain us in our work. A special victory can serve as a gift to supports our beliefs and encourage our efforts.

Jason and his family suffered greatly during ten weeks of uncertainty. They needed encouragement to face these hardships. During Susan’s weeks on life support her mother died, bills piled up, fear and grief overwhelmed them. Though thousands sympathized with them, Jason said the future looked black.

But they were sustained by their faith and the hope that the message was from God to give meaning to their struggle and to comfort them. The battle is never in vain.

Fetal Pain Study Is Bogus

The recent headline story that babies don’t feel pain until late in the second trimester is all bunk. Two of the inventors of this lie are members of abortion organizations, and their finding is nothing but a collection of decades old pro-abortion propaganda. True studies by real experts place the pain threshold much earlier. But the media grabbed the lie and gave it wide coverage.

Conscience Protections Threatened

Pro-abortion Republican Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania inserted a clause in the Health and Human Services appropriations bill for $600,000,000, that would remove the conscience clause for pro-lifers.

Some states are now copying Illinois pro-abortion Governor Rob Blagojevich’s order that pharmacies must dispense abortion pills over their moral objections.

Obviously, the only way to handle such arrogance is to disobey the immoral law, and then run the bums out of office.

Paul Weyrich Recovering from Surgery

Life Advocacy reports that Paul Weyrich, architect of the social conservative movement, is back home and in good health after having both legs amputated below the knees. Paul is a dynamo in the pro-life movement and we join with Life Advocacy to welcome Paul back to the fight in good health.

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