Illinois is a fortunate state to have a coalition of organizations that work together to fight abortion. It’s called SpeakOut Illinois and is a powerhouse for melding of ideas, supporting billboards, keeping up to date on the victories and failures in the abortion battle.
SpeakOut Illinois 2005
Each year hundreds of members of the state wide organization meet in Chicago to review the past year and announce plans for the coming year. This year’s SpeakOut Illinois conference on January 16, should be one of the best.
While the deadline for registering ended on January 3, they have extended the time to Tuesday evening, Jan. 11. You can still attend. SpeakOut is at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1909 Spring Road in Oak Brook Terrace. To register call 1-312-422-9300. The special hotel rate of $ 89.00 still stands.
Thirty-four organizations sponsor SpeakOut and another 21 participate. This year’s keynote is Serrin Foster, President for Feminist for Life. Maser of Ceremonies is Jon Moales of Relevant radio. The Programs begins at 1:00 p.m. and a reception and dinner are at 5:15.
Workshops include:
- “Abortion Aftermath” by Vicki Thorn of the National Office of Post Abortion Reconciliation and Healing, on new information on the physical and psychological consequences of abortion
- “Abortion 101,” by Mary Anne Hackett of Illinois Right to Life committee, reviewing the past and plans for the future
- “Planned Parenthood” by Doug Scott of Life Decisions International, revealing Planned Parenthood’s sinister agenda and how to stop its funding
- “Abortion Breast Cancer Link” by Eve Sanchez Silver, who quit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation for their cover-up of the abortion-Breast Cancer link
- “A Change of Heart” featuring a panel of women who chose life after considering abortion , and
- “Faithful Citizenship” by Rev. Bob Vandenbosh of Concerned Christian Americans, on faith and biblical values in the public square.
The Henry Hyde Life Leadership award will go to Sandy Rios of the Culture Campaign. A memorial for the Unborn will be lead by His Eminence Archbishop Job of the Chicago and Midwest Orthodox Crouch in America.
For more information visit the SpeakOut website or call Illinois Right to Life at 312-422-9300. This will be the most electrifying SpeakOut Illinois in it s fifteen year history.
Dems May Pick Pro-Life Leader
The abortionists are losing it, and they know it. Former Rep. Tim Roemer, pro-lifer from Indiana, wants to be the Democrat party chairman, and he wants to spark a heated debate on abortion.
Roemer, a Catholic who opposes abortion, says he respects the pro-abortion position of many Democrats but thinks Democrats should be more inclusive. He wants to expand the party ideology.
He will face at least five other Democrats for party chairman next month. Kate Michelman said his election would signal that the Democrat Party is retreating from one of is core principles.
While we think Roemer is a wimp for claiming to respects those who wrote abortion into the platform, if he can cause a little trouble for the Democrats, why not?
Lutherans Mull Gay Ordinations
The Lutherans (ELCA) are trying to decide on ordaining active homosexuals. The Methodists and Episcopalians have gone through the same thing We feel sorry for people who have to vote on morality, when God has already made it clear. It’s so much better to know for sure the difference between right and wrong and not have to figure it out from scratch.
Berman Clueless on Love
Laura Berman has a sickening column in Monday’s Sun-Times , “Women need new birth control options.” She has no idea what she’s talking about. Her column, “The Language of Love,” has nothing to do with love. She just doesn’t get it.