If you have never heard Ambassador Alan Keyes in person, and have only been listening to the liberal press concerning his abilities and aptness to be the Senator for Illinois, you haven’t got the straight story. Well, here’s your chance.
Meet the Real Alan Keyes
Alan Keyes will be speaking before the City Club of Chicago this Wednesday, August 18, at Noon at Magiano’s Restaurant, 111 W. Grand Ave., the southwest corner of Clark and Grand (map). Reception at 11:30. Price is $45 per person. For more information call 847-698-2265.
If you’ve never heard Alan Keyes you can’t understand why this man simply had to come to Illinois to run against Barack Obama. Those of us who have been following Keyes’ career believe that when these two candidates debate, Keyes will win the debates hands down. Whether or not he can break through blind Democrat worship of that godless party we cannot make any promises, but be assured that even a Democrat faithful with a functioning brain stem will see the reason and logic in Keyes’ presentation will help Keyes win this election.
Try to make it to the talk Wednesday at Magiano’s. It is well worth the $45. See you there.
“Abortion Rights”?
Pro-Life Activist Jim Finnegan and yours truly appeared on page 3A of “The Nation” section of the August 5 issue of the Baltimore Sun. In the picture taken before the Union League Club on Jackson Street where Republican candidates were being considered for the U. S. Senate, Jim is lecturing Rev. Anthony Williams, who was there supporting Andrea Grubb Barthwell, the pro-abortion, pro-gay-rights candidate. I am in the background holding a sign saying, “Keyes for Senate from Illinois.”
The photo is by Chuck Berman of the Chicago Tribune, and the article is by Liam Ford and John Chase who say conservative Republicans are pushing hard for Keyes because of his strong stance is opposition to abortion, which they call “abortion rights.”
That phrase always sounds like “robbery rights,” or “murder rights” or “child abuse rights.” You can add “rights” to almost any activity and make it sound almost humane. How about “carjacking rights,” “arson rights,” “plagiarism rights.”
The baby killers sold that one to the media years ago, and they bought it . Members of the secular press don’t seem to realize that the first REAL right granted in the Declaration of Independence, is the inalienable “right to life.” Where in there does it talk about “abortion rights?” “Abortion rights” is cut from whole cloth, and yet the media use it routinely as though it is a real right.
We Already Miss Shirley
Ann and I attended the beautiful traditional Requiem High Mass of the Dead at St. John Cantius Monday for Shirley Cichy. Fr. Frank Phillips sang the traditional Mass of Requiem with the beautiful seminary choir, and Fr. Dudley Day, Augustinian, gave the homily.
We will miss Shirley a great deal. There are some people who have to be around to give us assurance that the world isn’t quite as bad as it seems. Shirley was one of those people. She was always helping someone, making clothes, setting up silent auctions, making dolls to sell or give away, fighting abortion, staying holy. Nothing ever seemed to get her down, and she was the kind of person you felt good having around. We already miss her.
Shirley died last Monday of a blood clot following knee surgery. I can relate to that, since I got a clot following my knee surgery, but caught it before it smacked me in the brain or heart or lungs. Shirley’s broke loose. So Shirley has gone to join the Lord, and I am sure she is helping us from her new home.
You and I seem destined to hang around here a little longer and fight it out on the streets, until our clot or whatever sends us, hopefully, her way. Fr. Day made it clear that all Shirley wants from us is prayers, not plaudits.
Reminds me of my uncle, Bishop Leo Pursley of Ft. Wayne. At his funeral he had instructed the homilist that he didn’t want to be canonized during the ceremony, just prayed for. Smart Bishop.