
Noelle Bergquist Goes Home To God

We are sad to announce the death of sixteen-year-old Noelle Joy Bergquist, who died this weekend of kidney failure. Noelle Joy was a saintly young lady who, even though handicapped, came out and joined our pro-life activities and is pictured in our August 2002 Action News, with her whole family joining our Face the Truth Tour.

Noelle Joy Returns to God

Noelle Joy was one of the Bergquist’s eight adopted special needs children. Noelle was always cheerful and spirited and always interested in how others were doing. Her wake is Wednesday, 3 to 9 p.m. and Thursday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Beidelman-Kunsch Funeral Home, 516 S. Washington St. in Naperville, IL (map). You can write her parents, Sue and Dick Bergquist, at 221 Sycamore Drive, Naperville, IL 60540.

Pray that God will comfort the family, especially Glory, Noelle’s roommate in the Bergquist home, and whose birthday is today, Monday.

Planned Parenthood T-Shirt Boasts of Abortion

From the truly sublime, the death of a saint, to the truly ridiculous: Planned Parenthood has announced a line of consumer products from coffee mugs to t-shirts that assert a message in support of abortion. The T-shirt says simply, “I had an abortion.” The world’s leading abortion promoting organization has tried for sixty years to undo the stigma of abortion, using politicians, rock and movie stars, but none of it works. Abortion is still murder and everyone knows it.

Remember their “Choice on Earth” Christmas cards? These folks are sick. We can’t help but wonder if they realize just how bad they look to normal people?

Cruise To Honor Penny Pullen

Monday night we will be on Paul Caprio’s annual cruise to honor Penny Pullen, long time pro-life activist of the Life Advocacy Alliance, whose briefing we plagiarize regularly because they contain all the news that’s fit to print. Penny has been a tireless supporter of the unborn for as long as we can remember, first as a state representative and then as a disseminator of the truth from many vantage points.
Penny is one of the faithful who seems never to tire and we are honored to be honoring her.

Pardon us for this brief news line, but who’s going to be reading the Action News Hotline during the exciting Democrat National Convention in Boston, anyway?

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