The Founder and Director of Generations for Life, Annie Scheidler, will become Mrs. Robert Casselman on Saturday, May 29, at Queen of All Saints Basilica in Chicago.
GFL Director Annie Scheidler To Wed
As father of the bride I am extremely proud of Annie and all the great pro-life work she has done and will continue to do. She has a wonderful influence on young people and has traveled extensively in her pro-life work speaking on chastity and on effective methods of fighting and preventing abortion. On occasion Annie has even written and broadcast this Action News message, so you may have heard her enthusiastic, young voice over this very phone line.
Annie will be working out of her new home but Generations for Life will continue to have staff and offices here at the League as well. We all wish Annie and Robert a long and happy married life and lots more little pro-lifers running around.
Urgent: Demand Vote on SB 827
Please make an emergency phone call that could bring a bill up for a vote that would except Catholics from paying for artificial contraception in their insurance policies. Without this bill the law does not exempt the Catholic Church in Illinois from paying for employees’ artificial contraception.
The bill that must be voted on is SB 827, but it is in a committee whose sponsors do not want to let it out for a vote. So you are urged to call them immediately after saying a prayer, that they will take your advice and allow this bill to be voted on. There is almost no time left to get this bill on the floor, so your call is needed so do it now. Urge them to bring it up for a vote.
Calls are to be made to Sen. Iris Martinez at 773-283-7000 (Chicago) or 217-782-8191 (Springfield) and Sen. Emil Jones at 773-995-7748 (Chicago) or 217-782-2728 (Springfield). If you get a recorded message, leave your name and your message urging the bill to be brought for a vote, and your phone number. Then pray that these legislators do the right thing and bring this bill to the floor for a vote.
Have a prayerful and relaxing Memorial Day.