Joe addresses group at St. Mary’s Church, March 25
[Photo by Barbara Kolisz]
Rev. Theodore Mens, pastor of St. Mary’s Church in Griffith, Indiana, invited Joe Scheidler to speak at a celebration on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25. Bishop Dale Melczek, the bishop of Gary, IN, celebrated Mass with an honor guard of the Knights of Columbus and a packed church. Following the Mass, the bishop presented the Diocese’s Fiat Awards to outstanding pro-life leaders from many of the parishes in the Gary Diocese.
Following the Mass and award presentation, the parish hosted a chili supper in the parish’s Hildebrandt Hall. Fr. Mens introduced Joe Scheidler with a recollection of his experience of being with Scheidler at the commencement at St. Joseph College in Rensselaer, IN in June, 1977. Then Senator Birch Bayh, well known for his support of abortion, was the commencement speaker at the Catholic college.
Fr. Ted Recalls ’77 Protest
Fr. Ted recalled that he had approached the president of the college and Sen. Bayh to ask if Scheidler could address the gathering. This request denied, he accompanied Scheidler, Greg Morrow and Jack Ames to the top of the bleachers where Scheidler waited until Bayh began his commencement address, and then pulled his bull-horn out of a sack and began addressing the group, encouraging them to leave the event. Scheidler was shortly escorted from the gymnasium by the college security guards.
Scheidler spoke to the group of 200 on the importance of joining our “Fiat” to Mary’s. Fiat is the Latin word for “Let it be done,” Mary’s response to the Angel Gabriel’s announcement that she had been chosen to be the mother of Jesus. “Our Lord is calling us to “Go and Teach,” said Scheidler, “and to bring His Kingdom to the Earth.” Scheidler explained that when we bring the truth about abortion to our culture we are answering God’s call and, in essence, saying our own “Fiat.”
Links and Related Stories
- Director on the Road — Joe Scheidler reports on his other trips during recent months