
League’s First “Truth Day” a Success

Sears Tower

Mary Shine on Monroe St. Bridge [Photo by EJS]

On Wednesday, August 20, the Pro-Life Action League conducted a one-day Face the Truth tour, revisiting three sites from our full nine-day tour back in July. In the morning, over two dozen volunteers held huge pictures of a baby decapitated by a third-trimseter abortion, on the Kennedy overpasses of Lake, Washington, Madison, Monroe and Adams Streets. As in July, the response from passing cars was largely positive, especially from truck drivers.

At lunchtime we returned to the Daley Center, covering two sides of the plaza. Rev. Carl King, Sr. was passing by when he saw the display and asked for information for the daughter of one of his congregation who has an abortion scheduled later in the week. He called the League office for help on talking the young woman out of abortion — possibly one more life saved by Face the Truth.

Commuters on Madison

Throngs of commuters see Carl Segvich’s sign of Baby Malachi, aborted at 21 weeks
[Photo by EJS]

At our last stop of the day at Madison and Wacker we were confronted with harder hearts than the other sites of the day, with many commuters appearing apathetic or even hostile. However, we continued to receive warm thanks from some, often just when most needed.

We distributed over 3000 pieces of literature throughout the day and reached many more thousands with our pictures. For more on the day, including more pictures, read Joe Scheidler’s hotline. Additional Truth Days are planned for 9/17, 10/15 and 11/19

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