We have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and we thank God for the opportunities we’ve had to save babies lives and women’s consciences from abortion.
Much To Be Thankful for
While the courts of the land are a scandal, the legislatures a mess and even many churches weak and some giving scandal, good people are winning the fight for life and justice. For that we are grateful.
- While many youth are misguided and badly taught by liberal professors, truth is leaking into their lives and many are dissatisfied with lies and excuses for evil.
- While pornography reigns in the movies, television, magazines and even the newspapers, some of the media are also being used to spread the word of God and the truth of Christ.
- While some churches ordain homosexual bishops, the truths of real religion are being taught more abundantly than at any other time in the history of the world.
- While there are disgusting leaders like — insert name here — there are also John Pauls and Dudley Days, showing the way to heaven.
So things aren’t so bad and we are thankful:
- To be alive
- To have Christ our King
- To be living in America
- To have a wonderful family and great friends, and
- To have the best job in the world.
We are thankful to be fighting abortion, to have won NOW v. Scheidler 8 to 1, and to be seeing a mood change in America away from abortion , slowly but surely. So Thank You, God, for all the good things happening and all the bad things we get to fight.
Teens More Pro-Life than Adults
Something also to be thankful for: a just released Gallup Survey of Teens showing teens support the pro-life position. The survey of 517 kids, 13 to 17 year old, shows a whopping 72 percent say abortion is morally wrong. Thirty-two percent said abortion should be illegal in all circumstances, forty-seven percent said abortion should be illegal under certain circumstances and only 19 percent said it should be legal under all circumstances.
These figures vary significantly from adult responses. Teens are much better. Be thankful, too, that you don’t belong to the European Union which just voted “yes” on harvesting stem cells from embryos aborted for their parts. Countries that don’t like killing babies and using their parts are out of luck, because the Parliament rules.
Poland has already denounced the vote, as may Italy, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Luxembourg. The ruling could still be changed next month, but it’s not likely. The vote Wednesday was 298 to 214. So pray.
Judge Casey, Judge Pilate
And pray also for Richard Conway Casey, the judge in the Southern District court of New York who granted a restraining order against the newly signed Partial Birth Abortion Ban. Some of Casey’s questions before granting the stay sound a little hostile to the pro-aborts who asked for the injunction. “Is the heart beating?” he asks —
Does the fetus have feelings? You don’t care to ask. And there are no studies done on this so when you dismember a leg or an arm from the body, do they feel that Ma’am? It’s in the papers right here before us. The government says that the fetus can feel what is being done to it. Do they have concern for the fetus? I don’t mean after the procedure. Quite clearly they are not viable then. They are either in pieces or they don’t have a brain.
Then the judge gives them their injunction so this carnage can continue. Ever hear of a guy named Pontius Pilate? He asked questions too.
We don’t envy Judge Richard Conway Casey. He’ll have a sour Christmas and a whole string of nightmares if he has any conscience. And it sounds like he may have.
Nativity Scene Dedication
Do yourself and your kids a favor and attend the dedication ceremony of the life-size nativity set in the Daley Plaza this Saturday, Nov. 29, at 10:00 a.m. Christmas carols and a bell choir and the kick-off of the Advent season and preparation for Christmas. Yours truly is in charge of music. See you in Daley Plaza.