We must apologize to Action News callers of the last three days for the unavailability of our newsline. Most of our phones were down, and it took a couple of days for the technicians to figure out how to fix them.
LIFE Means PRO-Life
Wednesday’s half-day Face the Truth tour tour in downtown Chicago was an enlightening experience. Almost all of our signs were the LIFE signs, with pictures of beautiful baby faces, along with a few signs depicting fetal development and some of the Jesus signs that say “Abortion Kills His Children.” Our group of two dozen began at Madison and Wacker, meeting the throngs of morning commuters, then moved on to Daley Plaza and the early lunch crowd.
There were fewer negative reactions than when we hold the graphic abortion signs, yet there were still some. At Daley Plaza one passerby told Tim Murphy that what he was doing was “disgusting” and said that he would pray for us to change our ways. Tim was holding a LIFE sign.
A woman rebuffed Annie Scheidler’s attempt to hand her a flyer on fetal development that doesn’t even mention abortion by saying “I’m pro-choice.” Annie was taken aback — don’t pro-choicers care about fetal development?
The Sign of the Unborn Child
The fact is they don’t. They don’t dare think seriously about even the biological facts of life in the womb, let alone the spiritual dimension of human life at its beginnings in what should be the safest and most loving environment a person ever lives in: his or her own mother’s body — that place within her, as John Paul the Second puts it, that is made for another person.
God is trying to tell us something by bringing each of us into the world in this way. It’s that the important thing about our existence is not self-fulfillment or personal autonomy, it is union with others, and ultimately with God. That’s why we enter this world within the body of another person — that’s how important the “communion of persons” is to God.
They say that we care more about a lump of unborn cells than we do about born people, and in a way that’s true. Each of us is nothing more than a lump of cells anyway — animated by a soul sustained by the love of God. In the case of an unborn baby, that “lump of cells” is a powerful sign that God loves each of us and has prepared for us a destiny in which we will be as safe and secure in Him as that baby growing in its mother’s womb is.
Or should be. That’s why abortion is so horrific. No other death but the Crucifixion itself comes close to that horror, a killing that like the execution of Jesus Christ denies the very reality that God is Love. That kind of death ought to horrify us.
The Implicit Horror
Though we weren’t holding the graphic abortion signs, the horror of abortion was implicit in our honoring the beauty of babies born and unborn. And people could tell that, both those who criticized us and the many more who blessed and thanked us. We give all of them credit for getting it.
Anyone who missed the point this time will definitely get it next month when we return to downtown Chicago with the graphic abortion pictures. The final Truth Day of the year will be Wednesday, November 19th — mark your calendars and stay tuned for details.