
Hynes Protest Huge Success

What a success was the protest of Dan Hynes’ fundraiser Tuesday evening at the School of the Art Institute in downtown Chicago! We don’t know what went on inside but thirty pro-lifers really rained on their parade outside.

Protesting Hynes Ignatius Fundraiser

Standing next to the entrance with graphic signs, standing along the curb of Michigan Avenue and marching on the sidewalk, handing out a thousand leaflets giving the Catholic Church’s position against abortion, and chanting statements by pro life-religious leaders on our trusty bull horn, pro-lifers embarrassed all those St. Ignatius alumni entering the fundraiser. But even some pro-aborts helped us by making scary signs of their own, one actually demanding “KILL MORE BABIES.”

But there is more. Mary-Louise Kurey of the Archdiocese Respect Life office held a graphic American Holocaust sign, and told Ann Scheidler that Cardinal Francis George had contacted the President of St. Ignatius College Prep, and expressed his displeasure that alumni and faculty of the Jesuit run school was apparently endorsing this event.

On the St. Ignatius website Wednesday was a brand new statement that St. Ignatius does not endorse candidates for public office. A call to another administrator at St. Ignatius revealed that while some Ignatians had been informed of the fundraising event and had been asked to endorse it, they had not answered the request, yet found their names on the program as sponsors anyway.

While we did not see Dan Hynes, his brother, Tom, also an Ignatius grad, stood in front of the revolving door and greeted attendees. He gratuitously admitted that he personally supports “choice.”

Pro-Abort Protesters Help Pro-Life Cause

While a group of pro-aborts carried signs opposing us, they were in fact helping our cause by defending abortion in their own grotesque way, indicating that they support Dan Hynes’ position. While they thought they were harming our protest, they were in fact a great boon to our protest, by showing what kind of people support Hynes’ position. “Kill More Babies.” Give me a break.

And when the word starts circulating that many on the endorsement list were simply used by the Hynes for Senator committee to make it appear that his position is generally accepted, even genuine Hynes’ supporters are going to wonder if you can trust this pro-abortion Catholic candidate in anything he says. If my name were on that list, or the names of any of my seven children who graduated from St. Ignatius, I’d demand a public apology at the very least.

Some Integrity at Notre Dame

Believe it or not, one famous Catholic institution, the University of Notre Dame, did something Catholic. The University of Notre Dame NBC television affiliate, WNDU, will not air a new sitcom out of the British Broadcasting Corp because the sexual jokes “push the envelope well beyond the boundaries of our community’s standards.”

WNDU’s management and board of directors say they were disappointed and uncomfortable with the content of the show and are replacing it with a local production on Notre Dame Heisman Trophy winner Paul Hornung. Another NBC affiliate in Salt Lake City also has decided to scrap the dirty show, while NBC says the show is appropriate for network broadcasting.

We’re not even going to tell you the name of the dirty show, but we’re glad WNDU has opted out. We once picketed WNDU for not coming to cover one of our pickets at a South Bend abortion mill, claiming we were not newsworthy. So we made some news right out in front of their Studio on the Dixie Highway. They covered that.

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