If you are reading Action News before 9:30 Tuesday night, tune in MSNBC for Scarborough Country to watch Ann Scheidler debate WLS talk show host Nancy Skinner on the cases in Florida involving two pregnant women, one 22 and one 28, both having been raped and both carrying children that are destined to be aborted if no one intervenes.
Ann Scheidler on MSNBC Tonight
In one case, Florida Governor Jeb Bush is trying to appoint a guardian ad litum for one of the unborn children. The cases are both complicated and how Scarborough is going to present them and try to get them straightened out will be part of the intrigue. We know that Ann will do well if she is allowed to discuss the issue freely.
The pro-aborts are claming the high ground on these cases, because one of the women seems to have told her mother that she wants an abortion and the other one is in poor health. If you read this message before the show tune in and if after, we will have a wrap up on our next Action News Hotline Thursday.
Just Returned from LAPS Dinner in Pasedena
Your editor has just returned from Pasadena, California where I spoke at the First Annual Los Angeles Pregnancy Services Dinner at Holy Family Catholic Church. LAPS is run by two sisters, Diana and Astrid Bennett. It is a bilingual resource for helping women choose life in the Pico-Union district of Los Angeles.
There are eight abortion mills within a mile-and-a-half of their headquarters. As the LAPS flyer says, “The need for our life affirming presence is great. As the only pro-life center in the area, LAPS is a beacon of hope for women contemplating abortion.”
I was greatly honored to speak to this dedicated group, and I got reacquainted with many of my long-time pro-life activist friends at this event, people like J. T. Finn, of “She’s a Child not a Choice” fame, Don Smith of American Portrait Films fame, producer of “The Silent Scream” and head of Crusade for Life, Ken Fisher well-known pro-life leader, Colette and Tim Wilson, who helped with our NOW v. Scheidler suit. There were many other saints of the movement there, too numerous to mention on this news report, but suffice it to say that I felt right at home and said so.
The Pro-Aborts Are Losing Ground
One is always at home in a pro-life group in any part of the country or indeed the world. It is clear from those I visit across the nation when giving pro-life talks, that a mood change has come over this country. Everyone seems to notice it. It is a gradual turning away from abortion as an “easy solution.” Even young people are catching the drift: “Abortion kills a fellow human being,” they’re discovering. Women who have had abortions are beginning to admit their horrendous mistake: doctors who do abortions are not doing them as easily as they once did.
Even the abortiphiles are becoming more and more defensive, hostile and ugly. When a Jewish Rabbi gets up to excuse the holding of an abortion rally in his Synagogue, he sounds shallow and vapid and unconvincing, and his arguments don’t “take,” except in the minds of those already deeply into the culture of death.
When the Fay Clayton types argue for abortion, it isn’t so much that abortion is some kind of good, but that the opposition to abortion are always men who want to deny women their rights. Lies have to be invented to make these men look irrational. You will notice that in the NOW v. Scheidler case, all the women were dropped from the list of defendants so that there would only be men to oppose. Even the body finds of babies were excluded from the trial because the abortionists didn’t want the evidence of their killings to be part of the case.
Someday Roe Will Be Overturned
These are sad, sick people and they desperately need our prayers and our compassion. They know full well that, as pro-abortion Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said many years ago, “Abortion is on a collision course with itself.” They know that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were violently abused in the invention of the abortion right in 1973. They know for sure that some day — if this country is to survive — the right to kill innocent people will have to be revoked, and they will be left high and dry with a profession that is outlawed as surely as slavery is now outlawed.
They know as well as we do that so long as abortion remains the law of the land, there are no laws in the land that have any validity. When the law permits the killing of innocent people simply because those people are inconvenient, then no one has any protection. You could be next to lose your protection. Or I could be. Or they could be. They are a desperate people, these pro-abortionists, and their days are numbered, because if this country is to survive, the abortion binge must end. Period.
And that’s what pro-life activism is all about. To get in on the ground floor, attend our Bring America Back to Life Victory Rally, workshops and Banquet in Chicago on Saturday, June 7. For information and reservations call us at 773 777-2900 or register online. See you there.