
League Protests Pro-Abortion Luncheon

Fairmont Protest

Protesting NARAL luncheon outside the Fairmont Hotel. Protest coordinator Tim Murphy in foreground
[Photo by Mary Shine]

The very thought of abortion is enough to make decent people sick to their stomachs, but on April 30, NARAL Pro-Choice America celebrated abortion over lunch. The Pro-Life Action League was there to protest the luncheon at the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Chicago.

Twenty activists held large signs depicting aborted babies and denouncing NARAL and distributed literature outside the hotel as abortion supporters from around Chicago arrived for the macabre event. Tim Murphy, who coordinated the protest, spotted among the attendees NOW attorney Fay Clayton and her husband, attorney Lowell Sachnoff.

Fairmont Protest Group

Protest group at the front entrance of the Fairmont Hotel
[Photo by Danita Covington]

Reaction from passers-by was mostly positive. One cab driver stopped to ask League staffer Carmeline DeVito for some literature for his daughter, whom he said was pregnant and considering abortion. He later called the office for more materials to share with his daughter and assured us that he would get them to her. Our presence outside this pro-abortion event may have helped save a life; armchair pro-lifers who criticize anti-abortion protest should take note.

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