
Jaw-Dropping Footage in Live Action’s New Video of Abortionist Leroy Carhart

Just released this morning, the latest in Live Action’s newest undercover video series is of notorious abortionist Leroy Carhart, and it has some of the most eye-opening footage they’ve ever gotten.

The most shocking exchange — the part that everyone is going to remember after watching this video — starts around the 4:45 mark, when Carhart explains to the woman that her 26-week baby, after receiving a fatal shot of digoxin to the heart and remaining, dead, in the womb, for three days, will soften and be easy to deliver:

Carhart: It’s like putting meat in a crock pot, okay? It doesn’t get—it doesn’t get—it doesn’t get broke—it gets softer. It doesn’t get infected or, you know—

Woman: OK, so the dead baby in me is like—

Carhart: It’s just—

Woman: —like meat in a Crock-Pot.

Carhart: Pretty mu—yeah, kinda much.

Woman: All right. All right.

Carhart: In a slow cooker.

Here’s the video:


  • Live Action’s press release on the video is here.
  • Jill Stanek has a detailed analysis of the video.
  • Former Life Dynamics researcher Christina Dunigan writes that after 30 years of researching abortion, she considered “unfazable,” but this video shocked her.
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