
Eric Scheidler Speaks on the Supreme Court’s Obamacare Decision

Eric at Stand Up Rally

Eric Scheidler speaks at the June 8 Stand Up Rally [Photo by Sam Scheidler]

Pro-Life Action League Executive Director had this to say about the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act today:

I would have loved for the Supreme Court to have put the HHS Mandate controversy to rest by overturning the entire Obamacare law today. But that would have been the easy way out.

Today’s ruling means that the grassroots protests of the HHS Mandate will continue. The more than 200 local leaders raised up all across the country to hold Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies this spring are ready to continue this fight.

We remain convinced that the HHS Mandate is unconstitutional, and that the Supreme Court will strike it down when the scores of lawsuits filed against it finally reach the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, we will continue to fight the HHS Mandate through massive public protest and seek the kind of electoral change that will restore freedom of religion in our nation.

The League’s efforts to fight the HHS Mandate and other provisions of Obamacare can be followed at Stand Up for Religious Freedom.

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